
আনলাইন কৃষি উপকরণ বাঁজার

আনলাইন কৃষি উপকরণ বাঁজার
Largest Agro inputs Marketplace in Bangladesh

Syllabus-Fruit Production

Department of Horticulture

Patuakhali Science and Technology University

Course Title: Fruit Production

Course Code: HRT 426, Credit: 3 (2+1)

Level- 4, Semester- 2

Course Content


Introduction to Fruit Production in Bangladesh: Background, importance in human nutrition and economy, present status, classification and ecology of fruit plants in Bangladesh and fruit growing regions of the world

Propagation of Fruit Plants: Methods of vegetative propagation, stionic relationship and incompatibility, micropropagation and its principles, stages and techniques. Apomicxis, types and its significance, polyembryony

Orchard Development and Management: Planting plans and orchard management practices. Training and pruning, bearing habit, unfruitfulness- causes and remedies; use of growth regulators in fruit industry

Development and physiology of fruits: Flowering, pollination, fertilization, fruit set, growth, development, parthenocarpy and seedlessness

Production Technology of the Following Fruits: Banana, pineapple, papaya, mango, jackfruit, coconut, guava, litchi, jujube, citrus fruits and minor fruits

Post-harvest Management of Fruits: Factors affecting shelf life of fruits, factors for extension of shelf life, causes of spoilage of fruits and remedies, maturity and ripening, changes of fruits during ripening, post-harvest factors affecting quality of fruits: grading, packaging, transport and marketing


01. Identification of common fruit plants in Bangladesh

02. Propagating materials of banana and pineapple

03. Bearing habit of fruit plants

04. Morphological study of fruit plants

05. Practicing contact grafting in mango plant

06. Practicing veneer grafting in mango plant

07. Practicing patch budding in jujube plant

08. Visit to fruit research or processing centre

09. Study on different planting systems

10. Establishment of a fruit nursery

11. Determination of cost benefit ratio of banana and pineapple

12. Packaging of perishable and non-perishable fruits

Books Recommended

01. T. K. Bose and S. K. Mitra. 1990. Fruits: Tropical and Sub-Tropical, Naya Prokash, Calcutta, India.

02. A. Singh. 1999. Fruit Physiology and Production. Kalyani Publishers. NewDelhi, India.

03. S. P. Singh. 1995. Commercial Fruits. Kalyani Publishers, NewDelhi, India.

04. S. Bhatti and U. Verma. 1995. Fruits and Vegetables Processing. CBS Publishers and Distributors, NewDelhi, India.

05. R. P. Sribastava and S. Rajan. 1982. Preservation of Fruit and Vegetable Products. Bishan Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dahra Dan, India.

06.H. T. Hartmann, D. E. Kester and F. T. Davies Jr. 1990. Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices, Prentic-Hall, Inter Editions.

07. K. Ryogo. 1980. Fruit Culture. Its Science and Art. John Wiley and Sons. New York.

08. M. F. Mondal. 2000. Production and Storage of Fruits (in Bangla). Published by Mrs. Afia Mondal, BAU Campus, Mymensingh.

09. R. Brian How. 1990. Marketing of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Van Nostrand, Reinhold, New York.

10. K. C. Talukdar and B. C. Bhowmic. 1990. Marketing of Perishable Products. D. K. Publishers Distributors (P) Ltd., Delhi, India.

Syllabus-Vegetable Production

Department of Horticulture

Patuakhali Science and Technology University

Course Title: Vegetable Production

Course Code: HRT 415, Credit: 3 (2+1)

Level- 4, Semester- 1

Course Content


General Aspects of Vegetable Growing in Bangladesh: Background, present status, problems, scope, and importance in dietary and economic value

Classification and Nomenclature of Vegetables: Origin, distribution, classification and growth habit

Soil and Climatic Requirements in Vegetable Production: Soil, temperature, light, air, water, rainfall and humidity

Propagation and Planting Methods: Types, different methods with merits and demerits

Principles and Practices of Vegetable Growing: Land preparation, spacing, irrigation, manures and fertilizers, inter tillage, gap filling, weeding, mulching, thinning, pest and disease control, harvesting, crop rotation and multiple cropping

Production Technology of the Following Vegetable Crops: Potato, tomato, brinjal, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, sweet gourd, cucumber, pointed gourd, aroids, sweet potato, lady's finger, carrot, mushroom

Post-harvest Management of Vegetables: Processing, grading, storing, packaging and marketing of different vegetables in Bangladesh


01. Identification of vegetables, vegetable seeds and seedlings

02. Computing manures and fertilizers for vegetables cultivation

03. Computing seed rates in vegetable production

04. Practicing intercultural operations in vegetable cultivation

05. Preparation of seedbed and raising of vegetable seedlings

06. Methods of planting vegetable crops

07. Field layout and cultivation of vegetables in plot

08. Visit to a vegetable producing and processing farm

09. Morphological study of vegetable crops

10. Vegetable seedling evaluation test

11. Determination of cost benefit ratio of potato, tomato and cabbage

12. Extraction and processing of tomato, brinjal and bottle gourd seeds

13. Grading and packaging of vegetables

Books Recommended

01. S. P. Singh. 1997. Principles of Vegetable Production. Mrs. Geeta Somani. Agrotech. Publishing Academy, Udaypur, India.

02. I. P. Mathew and S. K. Karikari. 1986. Horticulture: Principles and Practices. Macmillian Intermediate Agriculture Series, America.

03. K. G. Shanmugavelu. 1989. Production Technology of Vegetable Crops. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. NewDelhi, India.

04. P. Work and J. Carew. 1970. Vegetable Production and Marketing. Willey Eastern Pvt. Ltd. , NewDelhi, India.

05. T. K. Bose and M. G. Som. 1986. Vegetable Crops in India. Naya Prokash, Calcutta, India.

06. H. C. Thompson and W. C. Kelly. 1983. Vegetable Crops. Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., NewDelhi, India.

07. M. M. Rashid. 1999. Sabjii Bigyan. Bangla Academy, Dhaka.

08. D. K. Salunkhe; B. B. Desai and N. R. Bahat. 1987. Vegetable and Flower Seed Production. Agrocole Publishing Academy, Calcutta, India.

09. Anonymous. 1995. Winter Vegetables and Spices Production. Hort. Res. & Dev. Project, FAO/UNDP, DAE/BADC, Dhaka.

10. M. M. Hussain. 1995. Seed Production and Storage Technology. Meer Imtiaz Hossain; Dhaka.

11. A. F. M. Sharfuddin and M. A. Siddique. 1985. Shabji Biggan. Hasina Akter Beauty, BAU Campur, Mymensingh.

Syllabus-Spices, Medicinal Plants and Plantation Crops

Department of Horticulture

Patuakhali Science and Technology University

Course Title: Spices, Medicinal Plants and Plantation Crops

Course Code: HRT 313, Credit: 3 (2+1)

Level- 3, Semester- 1

Course Content


Spices, Medicinal Plants and Plantation Crops in Bangladesh: Importance, background, present status, problems, prospects and scope of development

Classification of Spice, Medicinal Plants and Plantation Crops: Origin, distribution, classification and growth habit

Soil and Climatic Requirements: Influence of soil, temperature, light, air and water on physiology, vegetative growth and yield

Production Technology of the Following Crops: Onion, garlic, chilli, ginger, turmeric, coriander, cinnamon, black pepper, bay leaf, black cumin, cumin, fenugreek, clove, neem, arjun, haritaki, bohera, aonla, aloe, black berry, bael, tea, rubber, coffee, bamboo, betel leaf, betel nut, cocoa and oil palm

Processing, Storage and Marketing: Different methods and factors for processing, storage and marketing


01. Identification of spices, medicinal plants and plantation crops

02. Preparation of herbarium

03. Study the morphology of onion and garlic

04. Study the morphology of ginger, turmeric and bay leaf

05. Study the morphology of chilli and coriander

06. Study the morphology of aonla, neem and arjun

07. Study the morphology of haritaki and bohera

08. Visit to a spice research and processing centre

09. Cost of production of onion and garlic

10. Processing of tea and bamboo

11. Processing of white pepper and cinnamon

12. Processing of turmeric and ginger

13. Processing of rubber and oil palm

Books Recommended

01. J. S. Pruthi. 1992. Spices and Condiments. National Book Trust, India.

02. 1973. Proceedings of the Conference, Tropical Products Institute; 56/62 Gray's Inn Road, London.

03. M. A. Quddus. 1985. Bangladesher Khadya Shashya and Orthokari Fasol. Bangla Academy, Dhaka.

04. K. M. Pillai. 1984. A Text Book of Plantation Crops. Vicas Publishing House Pt. Ltd., NewDelhi, India.

05. H. C. Sribastava; B. Vatsya and K. K. G. Menon. 1986. Plantation Crops: Opportunities and Constraints. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. NewDelhi, India.

06. N. Kumer; M. A. Khader; P. Rangaswami and I Irulappan. 1993. Introduction to Spices, Plantation Crops, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Rajalakshmi Publications, NAGERCOIL.

07. J. W. Persrglove; S. G. Brown; C. I. Green and S. R. J. 1991. Spices. Vol. 1& 2, Longman, London.

08. K. G. Shanmugavelu and R. Madhava. V.N/Plantation Crops. India Book House, NewDelhi.

09. R. Chaterjee. 1989. Pan Chaser Katha. Bharoti Book Stall, Kolkata.

10. Roberto Chiej. 1984. The Macdonald Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants. Macdonald and Co. (Publishers) Ltd., Maxwell House. 74 Worship Street, London.

Syllabus-Horticultural Seed Technology

Department of Horticulture

Patuakhali Science and Technology University

Course Title: Horticultural Seed Technology

Course Code: HRT 324, Credit: 2 (2+0)

Level- 3, Semester- 2

Course Content


Introduction to Horticultural Seeds: Definition, importance, background, present status, problems, scope of growing horticultural seeds, seed policy, seed producing agencies and seed business in Bangladesh

Classification of Horticultural Seeds and Seedlings: Different types and classes

Seed Physiology: Seed structure, development, maturity, germination and its types

Seed Evaluation: Characteristics of good seeds, deterioration of seed quality and its factors, purity, vigor, invigoration, viability and factors affecting it, treatment and its method

Production of Plant Materials in Vegetatively Propagated Plants: Use of polyembryonic and apomictic seeds, specialized plant parts, cuttage, layerage, grftage, and buddage

Production Technology of Sexually Propagated Horticultural Seed Crops: Ecological aspects, gap filling, spacing, manures and fertilizers, irrigation, weeding, thinning, staking, artificial pollination, pest and disease control, rouging, isolation distance

Post harvest Biotechnology of Horticultural Seed Production: Harvesting, methods of harvesting, protection, extraction, threshing, cleaning, grading and drying of horticultural seeds

Processing, Handling, Packaging and Marketing of the Following Horticultural Seeds: Marigold, Zinnia, Cosmos, Cucurbits, Cruciferous and solaneceous crops and fruits

Storage of Horticultural seeds: Modern and traditional methods, advantages and disadvantages of seed storage for horticultural crops in Bangladesh and factors affecting seed storage.

Books Recommended:

01. D. K. Salunkhe; Desai, B. B. and Dhat, N. R. 1987. Vegetable and Flower Seed Production. Agricole Publishing Academy. NewDelhi, India.

02. S. D. Doijode. 2002. Seed Storage of Horticultural Crops. CBS Publishing and Distributors, NewDelhi, India.

03. L. O. Copelland. 1988. Principles of Seed Science and Technology. Burgess Publishing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, India.

04. G. S. Randhawa and A. Mukhopadhyay. Floriculture in India. 2000. Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Calcutta, India.

05. S. Prasad and U. Kumer. 1998. Commercial Floriculture. Agro Botanica, India.

06. T. K. Bose and J. P. Yadav. 1998. Commercial Flowers. Naya Prokash, Calcutta, India.

07. S. P. Singh. 1997. Principles of Vegetable Production. Mrs. Geeta Somani. Agrotech. Publishing Academy, Udaypur, India.

08. K. G. Shanmugavelu. 1989. Production Technology of Vegetable Crops. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. NewDelhi, India.

09. T. K. Bose and M. G. Som. 1986. Vegetable Crops in India. Naya Prokash, Calcutta, India.

10. T. K. Bose and S. K. Mitra. 1990. Fruits: Tropical and Sub-Tropical, Naya Prokash, Calcutta, India.

11. Singh. 1999. Fruit Physiology and Production. Kalyani Publishers. NewDelhi, India.

12. S. P. Singh. 1995. Commercial Fruits. Kalyani Pubilishers, NewDelhi, India.