A plant that is grown with proper care and management for its economic value, is termed as crop.
It is very difficult to give a precise definition of crop but it has some characteristics-
i. Crop must be cultivated species.
ii. It must have economic value.
Crop is an agreement of individual plants grown on a particular location usually of the same species or variety and have same economic value.
Agronomic crops or field crop :
The crop which are grown together with less care, usually in large areas and harvested in bulk, is termed as agronomic crops.
Horticultural crops:
Crops that are grown with tensive care.
Definition of identification :
Identification is the architecture by which one can differentiate various objects or organism (plants, animals) from each other considering their typical characteristics and functions morphology.
Identification of Crop :
Identification of crop is an art through which unwanted plants can be separated out from the cropped area. Crops of different species are also separated out on basis of their morphological features.
Importance of identification of crops :
Unwanted plants in crop field often results in severe competition for space, light, nutrients etc. and the quality of the produce is impaired. So, crops and non crop species should be identified for successful crop production and better yield.
Classification of crops:
Classification is an acceptable product of scientific studies and is obviously based on well defined characteristics or concepts that separate one group from another.
On the basis of use of crop plants and their products, crop can be classified as follows-
Cereal crops :
Cereals are the cultivated grasses grown for their edible starchy grains under gramineae family examples :
Cammon Name | E.N. | Scientific Name | | Family |
1. Dhan | Rice | Oryze | Sative | Gramineae Poaceae |
2. Gam | Wheat | Triticum | aestivum | ,, |
3. Bhuta | Maize/corn | Zea | mays | ,, |
4. Jab | Barley | Hordeum | Vulgare | ,, |
5. Jowar | Sorghum | Sorghum | Vulgare | ,, |
6. Cheena | Little Millet | Pannicum | Millare/Miliaceum | ,, |
7. Bajra | Pearl Millet | Pennisetum | Typhoideum | ,, |
8. Oat | Oat | Averra | Sativa | ,, |
9. Ka | Gitalian | Seteria | italica | ,, |
Millets: Millets are the small grained cereals and have a single cover (due to fusion of testa to the pericorp) Such as – Bajra, Cheena, Kaon.
B. Fibre Crops :
Crops that are grown for the production of fibre.
1. Deshipat | Jute (deshi) | Corchorus | Capsularis | Tillaceae |
2. Toshapat | Jute (Tosha) | S. | Otitorius | ,, |
3. Mesta pat | Mesta/Rozelle | Hibisucs | Sab darifa | Mal value |
4. Shan pat | Sunhemp | Crotalaria | Juncea | Legu mikos |
5. Kenaf | Kenaf | Hibiscus | Cannabinus | Mat |
6. Tola | Cotton | Gossypium | SPP | Malvacee |
C. Oil seed crop :
Crop that produce seeds of high latty acids contents, used to extract vegetable oil is termed as oil seed crop.
Common Name | E. | S. N | | Family |
1. Sarisha | Mustard | Brassica B. Nigra (Black) B. Compestris (Born) B. Juncea (Indian) | SPP | Crucifer |
2. Cheenabadam | Groundnut | Arachis | hypogea | Leguminasea |
3. Till | Sesame | Sesamum | Indicum | Pedaliaceae |
4. Tishi | Linseed | Linum | Usitatissimum | Linaceae |
5. Soybean | Soybean | Ghycine | Max | Leguminse |
6. Surgamukhi | Sunflower | Helianthus | Annus | Composite |
7. Garjan til | | Guizortia | abyssinice | ,, |
8. Castor veneda | Castor | Rieinus | Communis | Euphorbiacea |
* Oil Palm | | Elaeis | Ghineesis | Palmae |
9. Kusumphul | Safflower | Carthomus | tinetorius | Corp |
D. Pulse
Seeds of leguminous crop plants used as food especially for the supplementation of protein.
Common Name | English Name | Scientific Name | | Family |
1. Musor | lentil | lens | esculents | culinary |
2. Motor | pea | Pisum | Sativum | Leguminosae |
3. Mug | Munghean | Vigna | Radiata | ,, |
4. Maskolai | Backgram | Vigna | Mungo | ,, |
5. Chola | Gram | Cricer | Arietinum | ,, |
6. Arhar | Pigeon pea | Cajanas | Cajan | ,, |
7. Cowpea | Cowpea | Vigna | Sinensis | Unguiculate |
8. Khessari | Grass pea | Lathyrus | Sativus | ,, |
E. Sugar yielding crops :
Crops grown for the production of sugar.
1. AKH | Sugarcane | Saccharum | Officinarum | Gramine |
2. Sugar beet | Sugarbeet | Beta | Valgaris | Chenopodiaceae |
3. Khejur | Date palm | phoenix | sylvestri | Palmae |
4. Tal | | Borassus | Flabellifee | ,, |
| | | | |
F. Narcotic Crop :
Crop plants or other products that are used for stimulating, numbing, drowsing or relishing effects are known as Narconic crops.
1. Tamak | Totacco | Nicotiana | Tabacum | Solanaceae |
2. Gaja | Indian hepm | Cannabis | Sativa | Urticaceae |
G. Beverage :
Products are used as mild, agreeable and stimulating liquors meant for drinking.
1. Cha Tea These / Camellia SPP Theaceae
i. S Sinensis Ternstroemiceae
ii. S Viridis
2. Coffee Coffee Coffee Arabica Rubiacea
3. Cacao Cacao Theabroma Cacao Stereuliaceae
H. Fodder Crops: Vegetative matter eitheir freshor crop who products preserved used as feed for animal is called fooder crop
1. Maize | Maize | Zea | Mays | Gramineae |
2. Sorghum | Sorghum | Sorghum | Valgare | |
3. Bazre | Bazra | Pennisetum | typhoideum | ,, |
4. Job | Barley | Hordeum | Vulgare | ,, |
5. Napier grass | | Pennisetum | Purpureum | ,, |
6. | Panicum | Purureum | | ,, |
7. | Brachiaria | Mutica | | ,, |
8. Alfalfa | Medicago | Sativa | Leguminozea | ,, |
9. Cowpea | Cowpea | Vigua | sinensus | Logunivoze |
10. Grasspea | | Lathyrus | Sativus | ,, |
11. Maskolai | Blackgram | Vigua | Mango | ,, |
I. Green maturing crop :
The crop plants that are used for the incorporation into the soil as green state to add organic matter for improving the physical properties and fertility status of soil.
1. Dhaincha | Dhaincha | Sesbania | Aculeata | Leguminosea |
2. Sonpat | Sunhemp | Crotalaria | Junea | ,, |
3. Cowpea | Cowpea | Vigna | Sinesis | ,, |
4. Motor | Pea | Pisum | Sativum | ,, |
5. Maskolai | Black gram | Vigna | Mango | ,, |