Coleopteran | ||||
Sl no | Common name | Scientific name | Family | |
01 | Tiger beetle | Cicindela duodecimguttata | cicindelidae | |
02 | Tiger beetle | Cicindela sexpunctata | ||
03 | Tiger beetle | Cicindela sexguttata | ||
04 | Ground beetle | Broscus cephalotus | carabidae | |
05 | Ground beetle | Broscus punctatus | ||
06 | Ground beetle | Calosoma scrutator | ||
07 | Diving beetle | Dytiscus marginalis | Dytiscidae | |
08 | Water scavengerbeetle | Hydrophilus triangularis | Hydrophilidae | |
09 | Metallic wood boring beetle | Buprestis fasciata | Buprestidae | |
10 | Metallic wood boring beetle | Buprestis aurulenta | ||
11 | Metallic wood boring beetle | Agaeocera gentilis | ||
12 | June beetle (green color) | Phyllophaga portoricensis | Scrabaeidae | |
13 | May beetle (brown color) | Phyllophaga rugosa | ||
14 | Dung beetle | Phanaeus igneus | ||
15 | Dung beetle | Geotrupes stercorarius | ||
16 | Dung beetle | Aphodius fimetarius | ||
17 | Eirefly (lighting bug) | Photinus pyralis | Lampyridae | |
18 | Longhorned woodboring beetle | Cerambyx carinatus | cerambycidae | |
20 | Mango stem borer | Bapocera rufomaculata | ||
21 | Mango stem borer | Bapocera rubas | ||
22 | Mango fruit weevil | Sternochetus mangiferae | Curculionidae | |
23 | Mango fruit weevil | Sternochetus frigidus | | |
24 | Epilachna beetle | Epilachna dodecastigma | Coccinellidae | |
25 | Epilachna beetle | Epilachna duodecastigma | ||
26 | Ladybird beetle | Coccinella septempunctata | ||
27 27 | Ladybird beetle Ladybird beetle | Menochilus sexmacuylatus Menochilus sexmacuylatus | ||
28 | Ladybird beetle | Rodolia cardinalis | ||
29 | Sweetpotato weevil | Cylus formicarius | Cuculionidae | |
30 | Tortoise beetle | Aspidomorpha miliaris | chrysomelidae | |
31 | Red pumpkin beetle | Aulocophora foveicollis | | |
32 | Rice hispa | Dicladispa armigera | | |
33 | Rice weevil | Sitophilus oryzae | Curculionidae | |
34 | Red flour beetle | Tribolium castaneum | Tenebrionidae | |
35 | Pulse beetle | Callosobruchus chinensis | Bruchidae | |
36 | Wood boring weevil | Euophryum confine | Curculionidae | |
37 | Cotton boll weevil | Anthomonus grendis | Curculionidae | |
38 | Rhinoceros beetle | Oryctes rhinoceros | synastidae | |
Hymenoptera | | |||
39 | Honey bee | Apis cerana | apidae | |
40 | Carpenter bee | Xylocopa virginica | apidae | |
41 | Carpenter bee | Xylocopa tabaniformis | apidae | |
42 | Carpenter bee | Xylocopa virginica | apidae | |
43 | Bumble bee (orange belted) | Bombus ternaries | apidae | |
44 | Bumble bee(buff tailed) | Bombus terrestris | apidae | |
45 | Yellowjacket wasp | Polistes versicolor | Vespidae | |
46 | Yellowjacket wasp | Polistes japonicas | Vespidae | |
47 | Yellow banded wasp | Polistes sagittarius | Vespidae | |
48 | Hornet | Vespa orientalis | Vespidae | |
49 | Black garden ant | Lasius niger | Formicidae | |
50 | Red tree-ant | Oecophyla smaragdina | Formicidae | |
Dipteral | | |||
51 | Rice gall midge | Orseolia oryzae | cecidomyiidae | |
52 | Brassica pod midge | Dasineura Brassica | cecidomyiidae | |
53 | Cucurbit fruit fly | Bactrocera cucurbitae | Tephritidae | |
54 | Cucurbit fruit fly | Dacus cucurbitae | Tephritidae | |
55 | Anopheles mosquito | Anopheles philippinensis | culicidae | |
56 | Culex mosquito | Culex fatigans | culicidae | |
57 | Culex mosquito | Culex quinquefasciatus | culicidae | |
58 | Culex mosquito | Aedes aegypti | culicidae | |
59 | Horse fly | Tabanus lineola | Tabanidae | |
60 | Deerfly | Chrysops spp | Tabanidae | |
61 | Hous fly | Musca domestica | Muscidae | |
62 | Blowfly | Calliphara vomitoria | Calliphoridae | |
63 | Tachinidfly | Microtropesa sinuata | Tachinidae | |
64 | Tachinidfly | Tachina thermophila | Tachinidae | |
65 | Tachinidfly | Trigonospila brevifacies | Tachinidae | |
Thysanura | ||||
66 | Silverfish | Lepisma saccharina | Lepismatidae | |
67 | Firebrat | Thermobia domestica | Lepismatidae | |
Dermaptera | ||||
68 | Common earwig | Forficula auricilaria | Forficulidae | |
Dictyoptera | ||||
69 | Praying mantid | Mantis religiosa | Mantidae | |
70 | Cockroach | Periplaneta americana | Blattidae | |
Isoptera | ||||
71 | Termite | Odontotermes lokanandi | Termitidae | |
72 | Termite | Odontotermes obesus | Termitidae | |
73 | Termite | Odontotermes parvidens | Termitidae | |
Strepsiptera Thysanoptera | ||||
74 | Onion thrips | Thrips tabaci | Thripidae | |
75 | Melon thrips | Thrips palmi | Thripidae | |
76 | rice thrips | Thrips oryzae | Thripidae | |
Strepsiptera | ||||
77 | Stylopid | Cretostylops engeli | Stylopidae | |
Anoplura | ||||
78 | Head lice | Pediculus humanus capitis | Pediculidae | |
79 | Body lice | Pediculus humanus corporis | Pediculidae | |
Odonata | ||||
80 | Dragonfly | Aeshna verticalis | Aeshnidae | |
81 | Dragonfly | Hemicordulia asiatica | Aeshnidae | |
82 | Damselfly | Argia lugens | Coenagrionidae | |
83 | Damselfly | Argia violacea | Coenagrionidae | |
Orthoptera | ||||
84 | Mole cricket | Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa | Gryllotalpidae | |
85 | Field cricket | Brachytrypes portentosus | Grullidae | |
86 | Long horned grasshopper | Tettigonia uridessima | Tettigonidae | |
87 | Short horned grasshopper | Oxya velox | Acrididae | |
Hemiptera | ||||
88 | Short horned grasshopper | Hieroglyphus banian | Acrididae | |
89 | Giant water bug | Belostoma indica | Belostomatidae | |
90 | Giant water bug | Lethocerus grandis | Belostomatidae | |
91 | Red cotton bug | Dysdercus cingulatus | Pyrhocoridae | |
92 | Rice bug | Leptocorisa acuta | coreidae | |
93 | Damsel bug | Nabis alternates | nabidae | |
94 | Stink bug | Canthecona furcelata | pentatomidae | |
95 | Rice green stink bug | Nezara viridula | pentatomidae | |
96 | Shield back bug | | | |
97 | Bed bug | Cimex lectularis | Cimicidae | |
Homoptera | ||||
98 | cicada | Tibicen linnei | cicadidae | |
99 | Cotton aphid | Aphis gossypi | Aphididae | |
100 | Bean aphid | Aphis craccivora | Aphididae | |
101 | Mustard aphid | Aphis brassicae | Aphididae | |
102 | Aphid | Lopaphis erysimi | Aphididae | |
103 | Lac insect | Kerria lacca | Kerridae | |
104 | Whitefly | Aleurodicus | Aleyrodidae | |
105 | Mealy bug | Drosicha mangiferae | Coccidae | |
106 | Greec leaf hopper | | | |
107 | Brown plant hopper | Blaparvata lugens | delphacidae | |
108 | Scale insect | Pulvinaria psidii | Pseudococcidae | |
109 | Scale insect | Lcerya purchase | Pseudococcidae | |
Lepidoptera | ||||
110 | Lemon butterfly | Papilio demleus | Papilionidae | |
111 | Swallow tailed butterfly | Papilio cresphontes | Papilionidae | |
112 | Four footed butterfly | Vanessa cardui | Nymphalidae | |
113 | Cabbage butterfly | Pieris brassicae | Pieridae | |
114 | Sulpher butterfly | Pieris rapae | Pieridae | |
115 | Hawk moth | Acherontia styx | Sphingidae | |
116 | Yellow rice stem borer | Scirpophaga incertulus | Pyralidae | |
117 | Silkworm moth | Bombyx mori | Bombycidae | |
118 | Giant Silkworm moth | | | |
119 | Cutworm moth | Agrotis ypsilon | Noctuidae | |
120 | Luna moth | Actias luna | Saturniidae | |
121 | Rice moth (meal) | Corcyra cephalonica | Geleridae | |
122 | Pink boll wormmoth | Pectinophora gossypiella | | |
123 | Bean pod borer | Maruca testulasis | Noctudae | |
124 | Brinjal shoot & fruit norer | Earias fabae | Noctudae | |
125 | Okra shoot & fruit norer | Leucinodes orbonali | Pyralidae | |
126 | Atlas moth | Attacus atlas | Saturniidae | |
127 | Red admiral butterfly | Vanessa atalanta | Nymphalidae | |
128 | Monarch butterfly | Danaus plexippus | Nymphalidae | |
129 | Two tailed tiger swallowtail | Pterourus pilumnus | papilionidae | |
130 | Green lacewing insect | Chrysopa rufilabris | Chrysopidae | |
| | | | |
| | | |

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