There is a proverb “ the national development and prospect is just like a tree. Agriculture is the root. Industry is the branch and Business is the leaf of that tree.
The importance of agriculture is given below. It supplies the principle demands of human being such as-
1. Source of food
Protein- Fish (18-20%), meat (18-20%) milk (3-35%) pulses (25-28%)
Carbohydrate:- Cereals (70-75%), Potato, banana etc.
Fats- Mustard (40-45%), Soybean (20-25%), Groundnut (44-46%)
Sunflower (42-44%) Sesame (41-43% oil)
Vitamins & Minerals :-
Different kinds of vegetables and fruits, milk, egg, ghee etc.
ii. Source of clothing :
Human needs cloth to prevent from the attract of cool and heat. This cloth comes from cotton (570%), jute, cool, rayon etc.
iii. Sheller :
Everyone like human, animals, birds need shelter. The usable furniture comes from timber, bamboo, golpata, bet etc that comes from agriculture.
iv. Agriculture is the source of industrial materials:
Agriculture supplies the different raw materials of industry such as-
a. In drug production e.g. Amloki, Hortoki, Bohera etc.
b. In paper mill e.g. Bamboo, Gewa, Bagassee, Jute.
c. In rubber production e.g. Tire, tube from rubber.
d. In sugarcane industry e.g. Sugarcane, beat, date palm, pattern.
e. In textile industry e.g. Cotton, Jute, Wool, Silk.
f. In tannery industry e.g. Hide and Skin.
g. In a soap, candle and paint industry e.g. Different oil (mustard, linseed, palm oil)
h. Dyeing industry e.g. Saframin, nil, safflower, Turneries, chili, mahedi,
i. Beverage industry e.g. Tea, coffee, Co Coa
j. Narcotic and chewing industry e.g. Befell leaf, Tobacco, Khoir, Betelnut.
k. Cosmetic industry e.g. fats of animal.
l. In perform industry e.g. Golap, Jui, Tuberose, Cinamon, Clove, Lemon, Banana.
m. In bakary industry e.g. Cake, Candy, Chokolate etc.
n. Handicraft and cortage industry e.g. Bamboo, limber, bone, hide & skin etc.
v. Agriculture is the great source of national income.
vi. Agriculture is the source to earn foreign currency.
vii. It is the origin of fuel and natural beauty.
viii. Agriculture is the main source of earning in our country because. There are 80% people are depended on agriculture.
ix. It maintain the environmental balance.
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