
আনলাইন কৃষি উপকরণ বাঁজার

আনলাইন কৃষি উপকরণ বাঁজার
Largest Agro inputs Marketplace in Bangladesh

Syllabus-Principles and Practices of Agronomy


Patuakhali Science and Technology University


Subject: Agronomy

Credit hour: 21

Syllabus of B. S. Ag. (Hons.) courses

Course code: AGR 122

Course Title: Principles and Practices of Agronomy

Credit hour: 2+1

Offering semester: Winter/Autumn

Batch of Student entitled: L2-2nd

Course content


TILLAGE AND TILTH: Definition, objectives and types of tillage. Classification and efficiencies of tillage implements, tillage operations and their objectives. Factors influencing tillage. Modern concept of tillage – minimum tillage, zero tillage, conservation tillage.

PLANTING : Concepts of seed and seedling. Time, methods and depth of plantings of crops - factors affecting them. Merits and demerits of different methods of planting.

NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT: Essential elements: their sources, forms of absorption, role, toxic effects and hunger signs of crops. Definition, distinction, classification and nutrient contents of manures and fertilizers. Principles and methods of fertilizer application with merits and demerits. Means of increasing fertilizer use efficiency. Balanced fertilization. Integrated Plant Nutrition System (IPNS). Maintenance of soil productivity through agronomic manipulation.

INTERCULTURAL PRACTICES: Mulching, Thinning, gap filling, weeding, roguing and earthing up – definition and objectives.

WATER MANAGEMENT : Crop water relations- Functions of water, classification of soil water, water absorbing parts of plant, Mechanism of water absorption, factors affecting water absorption rate, Soil water balance, concept of water requirement of crops, factors affecting water requirement of crops, water use efficiency. Agronomics means of increasing water use efficiency. Irrigation, drainage and moisture conservation, irrigation scheduling of crops.


1. Identification of farm implements.

2. Practicing and acquiring skill in the use of country plough, mould board plough,

power tiller plough, tractor plough, seed drill, transplanter, Japanese rice weeder, hand

hoe and combined harvester.

3. Practicing intercultural operations in different crops.

4. Identification of manures and fertilizers.

5. Preparation and preservation: (a) Farmyard Manure (b) Compost

6. Observation of hunger signs of crops and use of leaf color chart (LCC) in estimating Nitrogen deficiency in rice.

7. Calculation of fertilizer dose of crops.

8. Calculation of water requirement of crops.

9. Lay out of different irrigation systems.

10. Observation of drainage structures.

Books and Periodicals Recommended

Text Book

1. De ,G. C. 1989. Fundamentals of Agronomy. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.

2. Mudaliar,V.I.S.1984.Principles of Agronomy.5th Edition.The Bangalore printing and

publishing Co.,Ltd.Mysore Road,Bangalore 18,India.

3. Pearson, D.C. 1973. Principles of Agronomy. East West press, New Delhi.

Reference Book

1 Arakeri, H. R. and Donahue, R. 1988. Conservation and water management. Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. Pvt. Ltd, calcutta, Bombay and New Delhi, India.

2. Baver, L. D. 1961. Soil physics. John Willey and Sons, New York

3. Kakde, J. R. Agricultural Climatology. Metropolitan Book Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi

4. Mavi, H. S. 1994. Introduction to Agrometrology. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi.

5. Michael,A.M.1978.Irrigation-Theory and Practice.Vikas publishing House Pvt.Ltd.576 Majid Road,Jangpura,New Delhi 110014.

6. Morachan , Y. B. 1978. Crop production and management. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi.

7. Teaser, M. B. 1988. Physiological Basis of Crop growth and Development. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, Wisconsin, USA.