Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Dumki, Patuakhali
Course Code : ENT 313
Course title : Insect Physiology & Nutrition
Credit hrs. 2+1=3
Physiology and Embryology: Structure, function and physiology of digestive, respiratory , circulatory, excretory and nervous system-neurons, central, peripheral and sympathetic nervous system., Reproductive system-types of reproduction, male and female reproductive system; spermatogenesis and oogenesis; Formation of the embryo, segments and appendages. Exocrine and endocrine glands; neurosecretory cells, corpora cardiaca, corpora allata, prothoracic gland, ring gland and their functions; Physiology of molting, instar, sub-imago and imago; Hormonal control of metamorphosis.
Nutrition and Metabolism: Nutrition and its function; physical and chemical needs of insect diet; qualitative and quantitative requirements of insect nutrition. Nutritional requirements of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and their metabolism in insects.
Dissection and study of the alimentary canal, central nervous system, male and female reproductive system of grasshopper, cotton bug and lepidopterous insects.
Books Recommended
1. Borror, D. J. , Delong, D.M. and
2. Capman, R.F. 1981. The Insects: Structure and Function,
3. Essig, E.O. 1942. college Entomology,
4. Mani, M.S. 1982. General Entomology, Oxford & IBH Publ. Co.,
5. Nayar, K.K., Ananthakrishnan, T.N. and David, B.V. 1976. General and applied Entomology, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
6. Richards, O.W. and Davies, R.G. 1977. Imm's General Text book of Entomology, Vol. 1&II, Chapman & Hall,
7. Romosar , W.S. 1988. The Science of Entomology,
8. Novak, V. J. A. 1966. Insect hormones, Mathuen and Co., London.